Putting links in your replies (⬜)

Ok, this is kind of a joke but @PotionMaster didn’t know how so here goes.
Open another tab. Search or scroll until you find the topic you want. Copy the link in the topic and paste it in your comment. That easy.

As always, This is @Here_to_help, Happy Gimkitting!


I didn’t know it was that easy, thanks lol!

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It’s the way to get the First Onebox badge/

i got it from posting a dancing avocado picture, i posted the link address

This gimkitter,
they played bump
they played bumpity
on my stump
with a knick knack patty whack
give clicclac beanine!
This gimkitter came rolling home.

(typing a post)

(stumbles upon a link)

(bumps into this guide)


Can you find the one letter that isn’t a capitol letter?

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Don’t bump this since it’s just copy and pasting and clicking a few buttons.


The letter is an ‘m’. Now back on topic.

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