Pseudo tagging with player coordinates possible?

It doesn’t work. Is there a way for you to get into my map and tell me what to fix?

If you have Discord or a Scratch account, I’ll be able to help you sometime tomorrow if you want to message me on either.

I have a scratch account, I can message you on it today.


is there a specific time you will be on?

try @ mentioning them

I think replying to them mentions them.

no if you reply to me it will not be a mention you have to do @IlliniSD or in this case @Fulcrum-19

It’ll still ping them?


I’ll be on about 5 pm EST.

Replying does ping me. Don’t worry.

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rrly ithought it just notife the person

It doesn’t really matter if you just reply or @ me, just don’t do both, then it will double ping me.

double ping? like @fulcrum-19 @Fulcrum-19 ?

Sort of, but to double ping, you have to reply to a person, and @ mention the person

@adagio_sostenuto like this

You should get a notification that you got a reply and mentioned.

i get it ok thank for the help


Do you want me to send it to you now?



Sorry I have to go, I will be back later

K it’s ready for another test when you’re ready.