How to Become a GimAvenger or a Guardian of the Gimaxy

80% of the way there

i will soon but im on a limit rn, so i gotta wait a bit but people can also edit out the useless tags on their posts to help

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You could probably do it yourself tomorrow as well…

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Just realized I can’t get regular for 5 months :skull:

I was demoted to 10 posts a day after off topic posting (1 month ago), and that can’t happen for 6 months for me to get it :frowning:


Oh can someone add psa tag to this?



who was spamming??

@here i know i resigned, but i want back in. is that ok?

Okay sure, whatever.

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The only person that really believed your resignation was you lol :rofl:

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so true, yet, here we all are

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How long until you’re a regular?

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i don’t know, probably a long time because i only have 36 days on my resume

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Oof, my account got deleted a few days in, so it says I only have 42 :frowning:

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Wait you got banned? How?

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I have 30 :cry:

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How do I check?

(nvm im an idiot i have 45)

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Don't click for an answer.
Why did you click?
You don't care, do you?
I guess not...
Click this if you have no self-respect.
So, no self-respect, huh?
You will feel guilty.
Are you sure this even amounts to anything?
It must...right?
You could be touching grass instead of reading this.
Are you even reading this?
Oh, well, I'll spill the beans. Just ONE more click...

@Blackhole927 You check on the leaderboard and go to All-Time. You can read it in the “Days Visited” category.