Poll on post 120!

SO HEY, I’m asking ya’ll, could, and I’m saying could, you make a thumbnail?
If yes, here are the things needed, in order:


The background needs to be set at night. First, there will be a cliff in the foreground, and make sure there’s enough space for 7 Gims. On the right of the cliff, there’s a village at the bottom of a mountain, a lighted path up the mountain, leading into a cave. If you want to, add a lake or forest to the left. The blood moon rises high into the starry night; and fireflies are in the air.

The Gims and Layout

All of the Gims will have their backs to the perspective. Here is the layout for their formation:
This looks confusing, I know, but I couldn’t use spaces, alright? (The system, bro, the system)

  1. King Gimrick
  2. The Broker
  3. Sirath
  4. Captain Buck
  5. Detective Baka
  6. Blueprint
  7. Sketch (For Blueprint to make building plans, poor Sketch)
Gim Tools

For the Gims, the number corresponds to which Gim has that tool floating above them.

  1. A royal staff
  2. A tablet (Add a crypto sign if you want)
  3. A shield
  4. A skull
  5. The Research item image from actual Gimkit :laughing:
  6. A hammer
  7. A pencil (Make Sketch sweat if you want to)

The title is The Temple Of Helios

Sorry if this is too much
Also thumbnail creators REALLY need more credit!

Hmmm? Do you agree? Hmmm? HMMMM!?
  • Put them right up there with the legendary Blackhole927, ClicClac, and wingwave!
  • 10/10 yessir
  • Yeah it’s alright
  • Meh
  • No
  • Honestly I don’t care
0 voters
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YUS I’ll make one I’m free!
I’ll be done on Aug 1st maybe or earlier or later if that’s fine


Ya’ll deserve to be with the literal device saviors :slightly_smiling_face:
That is… very quick for me tbh


I’ll make one! My previous work: :first_quarter_moon: :new_moon: :last_quarter_moon:

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I can make one as well! Give me a little time though.

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How long are you going to keep dishing out great thumbnails?

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lol they’re not that great but I guess i’ll keep doing them for another year or so

My personal opinion on how much thumbnail artists should be honored? At this point, they’ve been working on these drawings for about half a year, in the middle of several huge forum debates and the closest thing we’ll get to the Spanish Inquisition on the forums. The good ones that have stayed around absolutely demand respect, as much a the people who have been here twice as long but have gone through not as targeted drama or have been the apple of the communities’ eye since GKC launched. TLDR: Their grit makes them extremely honorable. This is just personal opinion though, so feel free to disagree!


NO NOOOOOoooooo you’re fine. The thumbnails are basically bringing people together. Competitions (Fluffy wins most of the time), races (chunky??? or maybe uhhhhh suki-moon?), and fanart (Still fluffy, she’s very talented)


Fan art is definitely Navy, she came in First place in the awards lol. I got 3rd, and Kat got 2nd. I do like to think that my style has evolved quite a bit since then though.

I’ll try to make one! But It’ll take a while. Probably like in early august or so but I’ll try to finish not too slow.

And @Build-pleasse, a question I have is are they on a cliff and looking down?

@Build-pleasse, for the sketch gim, which one do you want?
Sketch or Sketch Graph Paper?

ill make a thumbnail!
i go on vacation in a day so it might be a bit rushed though D:

thumbnail opinions

i used to find thumbnail requests annoying, but now i see their value. back in april, everyone seemed to hate thumbnails, but i’ve come to realize that they have actually brought our community closer together. without them, we would be kinda screwed. the forum has evolved, and people don’t need as much coding help anymore, and that’s fine. thumbnails represent a new era and have greatly contributed to our forum’s growth. seeing how much progress I’ve made since thumbnails became normalized in april is kinda wild. o_O
my art skills have also improved, and it’s really strengthening our community. i have mad respect for thumbnail artists, and if i told my past self that i would become one, they wouldn’t believe me. it’s incredible to see how far i’ve come, and how far others have come too! :D

tldr; tumbnials arnt stink y animor




I’m a new thumbnailist I will make one! It will take me a while though

Don’t call yourself an artist just yet if you ONLY make thumbnails- that makes you a thumbnailist, artists can do original stuff with original ideas too.

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No I am a artist I should said new thumbnailist

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ooh ur an artist?
do you have a portfolio? or a Canva slideshow thing that showcases ur art?
also I’m almost done with the sketch 4 this (it’s so complicated T-T)

No and no I should though

Yo @suki-moon, what would be better for the sketch skin. Sketch or Sketch Graph Paper?

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