Poll ended, winner is found

It should show some gims going on a treasure hunt. The name is “Secrets of the Lost Gems”. I don’t really care what gims you use, just nothing creepy.

sure I could @KitKat77

No deadline, it might be a little while before I can publish it.

I might be able to make one, @VoidFluffy

School is back, so I’m busier again :frowning:

that’s kinda why i’ve been off

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Thank you!!!

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It’s okay if you can’t make one, @AwesomeGimMaker. I understand if you might be busy.

Maybe I can make one. Where should the setting be?

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can I have some screenshots of the game


Do you want the setting to be in a forest?
And yes can we have some screenshots of the game?

And @AnxietyAttack is right about letting us see screenshots of the game. @KitKat77, are you sure you don’t want any specific gims in the thumbnail?

image (16)

Something a little like this, maybe space-themed gims.

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With some treasure chests, of course.

What can the gims run on? Can I do constellar?

When you say, “What can they run on?”, do you mean the terrain? If so, maybe catwalk. For the gims, constellars, yes, thank you!

Or one of the dynamic gemstones.

Is this like a treasure hunt in outer space or smth? @KitKat77

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:person_shrugging: (Yeah that not helpful.) Maybe. But I’m not sure.

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I’m considering, doing this one but I’m a little confused on where it takes place (beach, space, farm, etc)

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Same here. I’m losing in the other poll for space jump. Lowest I’ve been. Why?
Anyways I’m already making it. Should the sky be space? Are they running outside? inside? Need more detail. And I meant just one of the Gims Constellar. The others aren’t but space themed. If that’s okay with you @KitKat77.

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My ugly Polaris. Hope you like it @Rainbow.