Ok, so make a property. If 0, that means its not captured. Add +1 to it when flag captured. If property =1, make it so if a player dies, and their team number is the team that’s flag gets captured, teleport them to a specific place.
Will have to use block code.
(Also remove the resolved tag, it’s irrelevant cause it’s only used for help topics that were solved but not solutioned, just informing.)
I can do some block code for you, (Pictures) If you need it.
knockout manager plus team switcher.
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Resolved tag is unused. Get rid of it and mark solution, please @AJEEEER.
Nah. You just need a life cycle. No knockout manager.
The materials are… Lifecycle, Trigger, flag, property, and teleporter.
Don’t forget! Don’t use the resolved tag! There are solutions now!
Also Welcome to the forums, @AJEEEER!
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That would be nice please do it
I just prefer a life cycle. But a knockout manager can do too.
(Pictures coming right up!)
What will I have to do this in?
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Just wait. But here’s the first step, here’s what your materials are.
I mean, a life cycle is worst memory wise, but better for the specifics. And that’s what I like.
Step 2, change that property.
Make knockout manager broadcast a channel when player is knocked.
Make so when capturing flag, make it transmit a channel that triggers a trigger.
He wants it so when a flag is captured keyword, it then does that.
Actually, I got a way faster way. Let me do tinkering. Give me like 10 mins tops.
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