Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)

Could you say what the function is?

What’s it supposed to do?

From what i heard from him, it’s supposed to count up a number until it reaches it’s target.

sorry for barging in btw

the button starts the task repeater then that task repeater adds 1 to the counter every second then when the counter hits 60 it sends out 3 signals 2 which go to the counter that second on the bottom and the counter that’s above it then the wire repeater gets a signal and it has a slight that is hard to notice and it resets the top counter while the top counter resets the bottom counter and it repeats after that on the second one and the third counter on the bottom is the hour timer

So it copies the counter’s value over to another counter?
Like in this?

no it’s okay do as you wish

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not really but i can understand the confusion


Oh! A timer!

yeah see now you get it

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Is 7 days long enough for a bump?

Bump rules are stupid, bump when you feel like it lol


This is all fair points but has anyone actually ever maxxed out memory on a map before?
Also can you put the last part in below average literacy, i got the first part but then the part about x and y confused me a little

I’m pretty sure that tfg and resurgence are pretty much maxed out.

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are those maps? i haven’t heard of those before.

Team fortress gimkit is tfg.

oh ok. i still don’t get the part he was saying about y concurrent tasks. i never really understood concurrent tasks.

concurrent tasks are the limit of how many things can run in a single second*, you can have 300 signals to channels, wires or blocks in a single tick before the server automatically stops the device(s).

Why there's a limit

Gimkit’s servers are much more delicate than that of bigger corporations such as Scratch’s cloud servers and can’t keep up with recursion that spans over thousands of processes. Therefore, in order to save costs to upkeep servers, the developers limited how long a process could run at once without stopping.

edit: using my new partitioning system, I’ve found out that there could only be 300 signals in a single second rather than a single tick.


What teapot said is pretty much accurate. A trigger can only run up to 300 times per second, because any more puts stress on the servers. It should be kept in mind that this is because of signal caps, NOT because of device caps. Presumably, a repeater can run however much it wants.

Honestly, the way Gimkit stops recursive pile-up is pretty clever. If you can’t send signals, you can’t run ANYTHING.


i’m gonna use a repeater to bump this guide because important


