Player Counter Help

Player Knocked Out → Set Player To Team Spectator
Disallowing The Host To Use Spectator Only Affects Them In Pregame, Where They Can Decide To Spectate Or J0in The Game

Use a property that broadcasts on game start.

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(What Did You Mean To Say??)


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when you get sent to spectator (whatever triggers that) also use that to decrement the counter~

A Lifecycle, But Still Won’t Solve People Leaving The Game

I dont think there is a way to detect a player leaving games

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That Is Why I Need A Live Player Counter, But All The Designs I Tried Don’t Work If The Host Gets Set To Spectator

YEah, so just disable host spectating.
Waiut, you mean host becomes spectator in game?

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put a zone on the ENTIRE map then activate the zone every few seconds, connect zone to counter, spectator doesn’t count I think, and if it does then use a wire repeater and every time it checks also decrement it once (spectator / you)

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Yes, That Is What I Mean

I could, But That Would Be Messy.
Let Me Try Though…

Look at this:

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then use a trigger instead of wire repeater and channels instead of wires

WAit, that is genuis!
So, make 2 live player counters, one with the player scope, one with the host scope!

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How Would You Make It Host Scoped?

I Just Realised That Gimkit Changed Spectator:

Instead a lifecycle starting the repeater, make a global scoped property that broadcasts on game start start the repeater.