Platformer guides? Vote on post 34

Well okay then! I skimmed through this so I don’t completely know who did and didn’t do what, but I’ll take your word for it!

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Okay I have a new idea…lets contact jeffo and see what he thinks.

It was Wolf saying that he (meaning wolf) wouldn’t break the rules by begging for it.


You might have to do it… I have an extremely bad record with contacting the devs.

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how do you use it
i got the season ticket and im confused on how to use the platform thing

its not there yet…we still are waiting.

Oh!!! I meant that we tell them that platforming is currently only available with the season ticket.

Why can;t gimkit just give us access to the platform ing creative build type

They need a source of income. This way, more people will buy it. This is what their living off of people! They need money (they might have side-jobs but yeah)

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yes i mean it could be like 50 dollars with inflation and how other games are so expensive.
It’s VERY generous it’s only 5 dollars.


I understand but they gave it to the people who have the season ticket couldn’t they also give it to everyone

incentive to buy it so they get money to do stuff like fixing it to release to everyone.

Yeah I making a vid tutorial bout that tommorow. But I can make a guide here too.

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hey i need a list off all the gims released so far, and at least a picture of them standing and maybe a few for some gims where they running.
Could i make a help topic for this? It is for thumbnails and so I can add elements of it in my bunker game.
or would it be not off topic to forum.

Maybe ask on the wix. Save the hassle of the forum.

well i can’t access wix it’s blocked…so can I or no?

I mean some ppl moght flag you bc thats their first go to but maybe just wait for the wiki with the gims to put those gims on the wiki.

wait what what gim wiki?

name shortning is fun my name shortning is Lostsea3 ----> Lost

This one.