Platformer guides? Vote on post 34

oh my god :D, ive been waiting for this, will this bring back inactive players (i know how there funky collison boxes work so i can help)

wait i have to pay to make them :(, i was going to make slides maybe i might actaully start paying i got a good enough mowing buissnes to at least let me use it. after it runs out do i lose all the maps i made pass the 25 slots plus the platformers?

After it runs out you lose access to all of your map, except the 3 most recent ones you made. If you buy the next season ticket however, you will be given access once again.

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if like pick up quarters for a while\save you can buy it Iā€™m gonna save for it as well

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what would myn be? Lil just Lilā€¦ (nobody calls me to that I prefer to keep it that way lol)


I got an idea, if anyone has the season pass, could you showcase us it here? Like show us all the things and how it works?

Iā€™m idk why I am really excited for the terrain!

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No Iā€™m not asking plus thatā€™s against the rules, quite being like that.

I was just answering what I thought to be a question.

Hopefully new terrain.

Maybe Iā€™ll scrap one of my maps, but I kinda worked on the lobby already, and itā€™s a decently good idea, but I think Iā€™ll look around and see if itā€™s worth it.

Cause DLD sounds really fun. A 2D one way out? Yes please! Boss fights would be so cool. Imagine some guy sweeping the floor with lava.

Gasp, I got an idea. Floor is lava when it comes out! It slowly rises, and you gotta get to higher ground! Definitely making a guide on that on how to do it. (No one steal please.)


Wait it would be so cool if somebody remade Mario on it

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I Really want there to be LOOOOOOOOOORE.

apollo already did, but it was with text, and obviously, it wasnā€™t smooth, cause yeah, so many channels, he did really good with it though. It was a 2d platformer.

But that would be pretty interesting. Heres my idea for floor is lava. Game description too!

Name : :fire:Floor Is Lava!:fire:


Move quick, jump fast, and get through all the obstacles! The floor is lava! It will slowly rises until you reach the end, or that you meet your end. With tons of obstacles, shortcuts, and different ways to get to the top, there will be many things stopping you from you reaching the top and surviving. Come test your skills today, at this adrenaline packed game, :fire:The Floor is Lava.:fire:

Game is about trying to reach the top, and get through all the obstacles, yeah. Pretty self explanatory.

So gonna be making a guide on this.


Thereā€™s probably gonna be many nuances and other systems thatā€™d be possible to make in platformer so thatā€™s like saying. ā€œLetā€™s get rid of all the top-down gamemode guides and put it under one TUG.ā€

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Dude. Itā€™s going to be my birthday again when 2D finally arrives to the Scrooge McDucks.

Pretty good idea if you have the season ticket and I think description has too many characters

Iā€™d like to know what I said was against the rules. I donā€™t want to break them again.

Unspoken rules of not begging for stuff online.

PLEASE donā€™t start arguing again you two, youā€™re like wool and superglueā€¦


I never begged for anythingā€¦