(PATCHED) How to name your Sentries!

@Zer0 you only have one day to edit so if you need to add more do it now

When you spawn in to your creative map, and if there is a lot of things in your map, the sentries will take on the brief appearance of a gim.

If you want, you can make a animation to make the play think the sentry is a gim even more.


I don’t really need more because that is pretty much it

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You want me to make a poll? @Zer0

Sure! that sounds great

Give me a second I will be quick

Look on Shdwy’s guide, I think that does it.

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Only vote seriously

Does AUO play a part in this for this part?

Do channels use AUO?

I don’t think they do

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I don’t get how this works.

Um, isn’t this the only thing that matters? There is a setting for naming the sentry? So, how is this the last for of sentry interactions? Why all the extra channels?

Yes it is the only thing that matters but it won’t show without everything else

The setting is at the very bottom of the featured panel

The channels are used to show the name

Do you want me to change the title?

No, I’m just confused.

Ok I’ll change it to something else

Ok, yeah, I can see that the name doesn’t show. I didn’t know that (I don’t use sentries often)! Thanks!

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