Partially Functioning Chess! (Wiki for jjnitzan)

UH OH. What is the memory for chess lol?


I have two maps called chess, and clicked the wrong one. I can’t check the memory of the actual map from my phone though.


Nah, I haven’t done much with algorithms, but from programming stuff like tic tac toe AI I get the concepts well enough. Rather than items, I’m using strings of letters or numbers to store the board. Pieces of this string can be determined through basic algebra. The really hard part is the AI. Also, I don’t really like pseudo-properties in this application (or any application). Realistically speaking, using psuedo-channels is better than properties, though there are a few hard parts.

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However, you could use text emojis and text operations to store the board in 8 properties so the property limit won’t be a problem.


That’s a much better idea. Same with you, @Blackhole927

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Oh yeah, I worked out the binary algebra problem of yours (there’s a reason you haven’t covered it in precalc). I went over and talked with someone I know who majored in computer science (my dad lol), and he explained that no you can’t do it without recursion. It has to be done one by one or through a system that supports it. Binary algebra is seperate from pre-calculus (which I take next year).

If you want I can see if I can find a work-around for gimkit, but we would need to recreate the AND rather then focusing on replicating the result.


That is amazing, how you can do this so well…

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Im just gonna let you know that you just shared you code

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9th property is the board as a single string. Rows are for text converted from the board. The Board is for math calculations (checkmate check is something like 4 blocks rather than ALOT of properties, and move check is a block per piece)

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Well idk who you’re talking to here.

@jjnitzan Either say in the guide that the code is not active anymore, or cross it out

You and Blackhole

To store super long text properties use something like the system in this guide. It might be inefficient to update though

Ah- thank you :slight_smile:
Makes sense though, and sadly if this is true, it’s not possible for it to be done in gimkit, or at least very difficult.

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uhhhh the owner of the post

Why though it’s annoying to do and distracts from the guide he just has to make sure the code isn’t active and that’s all

True. At least say it isn’t active at the bottom. I personally don’t like crossing the codes out either.

Thanks! I’ve been programming for 10 years now (Scratch to Python to Gimkit + A bunch of other stuff for fun). So the answer is lots of practice and time (though I’ve only used gimkit creative for a few days now really).

Wow… I only did a bit of a Scratch, a bit of Python(I wouldn’t say I’m too bad at it, and a bunch of Java(Which I probably all forgot :sweat_smile: ). Happy to see new coders in town!

(Yes, I know, you joined 1 day ago).



Welp I have class now. I’ll be on if I can :slight_smile:

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