Partially Functioning Chess! (Wiki for jjnitzan)

You should use 2D coords to eliminate ~50 counters.

oh my goodness

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But that would take A-LOT of memory (500 memory per square), if I want to keep using buttons, and using a UI doesn’t feel as clean in terms of gameplay lol.

It’s the same thing, except the buttons update 2 counters instead of one.

The first time I placed them all I realized 3 separate times I got the settings wrong and had to individually change each one :skull:

That only took 3 hours to figure out lol, so great! :wink:

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Something like this:

Yeah but you’d have to press a button multiple times to change the x and y rather than pressing a button directly.

It’s just pressing a button once… you can use wires, you know…

That’s still a major loss of memory for a 64 square board, memory which I need for storing around 1.2 million chess games of data for the AI and processing said data efficiently.

What do you mean?? It would be 2 digits either way…

:bear: bear bump™ :bear:
I had to do that; chess is awesome!

Ooo agreed. I love chess. But I forgot how to play it. It’s been a while… :thinking:

Alright concept, it’s just that it doesn’t scale too well with more complex implications such as castling and detecting checkmates, I have a better idea in mind for inputting movements, but I think the current one is better as it doubles for storing piece positions and doesn’t need a logic board and recursion for movement.

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I guess [bumping] this works!
I love chess; but particularly I like playing with my brother; it’s easy to beat him!
:chess_pawn: Yeah, but I’m not really that good.
Don’t question my trademark [bump]—

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dang chess cost a lot of memory it be hard to do chess if we can’t find a way to save memory

giving me an idea to use the nolt

also quick question and one more thing

was that an actual bump?

please don’t bump this more then once on the same time it already bumped and it hasn’t been five days it now getting off topic which leads to clutter and more people gonna say the same thing i said which get off topic and could lead to flag.

Yes, it has…that was the first [bump].
Screenshot 2024-02-29 8.58.04 AM
That wasn’t a [bump.]
I’m putting in [ ] because it’s not meant to be [bumped].

It’s not that bad right now. I have the display, input detection, and a system for valid movement. The final result (minus the AI) will probably end up around 30-40% memory.

you adding bump into more different comments which making it confusing and also seems like you bumping it more then once before 5 days the first bump was fine but it look like u bumping it two or three times before 5 days you just need to bump it once and that it

@jjnitzan what about the chekmate detection?

When did I [bump] this last?
OHHH, yeah, ignore that. Let me change that…
I get what you’re saying…

I am not you-know-whattitng this post.