Padlet link for playtest

If you want to play test my GKC map click this link

@OoGoO I am sorry to inform you that codes are not allowed in this forum. You can post it in a padlet or the wix, though.


no, this is not allowed

what are codes (character limit)

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The j0in codes

codes you recieve on a gimkit map or “Join codes”

You can bypass the character limit using these: <>

Hey I saw that edit! Don’t copy me! :slight_smile:

Hey I saw that edit! Don’t copy me! :slight_smile:

I mean I was just gonna send whoever was interested a Canva link or smth

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How did you post “J0in”

@OoGoO Yeah, I guess you can do that

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by doing this. just put a j<>oin

OHHHH. Ok. And yes, you can prob post a link to an off-topic thing



yeah, thats allowed

OHHHH. Ok. And yes, you can prob post a link to an off-topic thing


(Me having my fun)

(no offense @Blizzy )

@OoGoO Just send a link here and then close the topic so it’s not deemed off-topic
@Caternaught I’ll eat you if you copy me again

seriosly? did you read what i told u on pladlet? i am a SHAPSHIFTING GOD. we are called shifters. the form we take at birth is a point to wisdom/goals

@Blizzy I’ll eat you if you copy me again

lul. i have a question for you if you are still online

who me? or @Blizzy ?