Pack A Punch Machine (COD Zombies Game)

Thanks, I will recreate it, send you a photo, and tell you how to make it later.

Ok thanks! Iā€™ll be waiting

Your welcome, and I will have to make it in about an hour, Im still in school but i can make it after wards. And why does you topic say Teleporter?

I was thinking of making new areas only able to get access to via a teleporter. Might need to make buyable doors but iā€™ll worry about the door mechanic from the game later

Oh ok, so then your title shouldnā€™t have that in it, iā€™ll remove it for you.

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I was thinking about the teleporter from Kino to Pack A Punch on that map, but the buyable doors seem better, as literally every zombies game has that system

True, and here is a guide on how to make buyable doors, incase you need to know.

Ok thanks iā€™ll be sure to use both of those.

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Has this been resolved yet?

GIMKIT is going to add a damage modifier?

They might, but theyā€™re voting on it, so weā€™re not sure.

You could make a chalkboard/blackboard with blackboard legs sticking out of it.

Maybe yeah idk thanks

I donā€™t want to say this again but,

Please donā€™t necropost!
This was before it got added.

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Yeah, I posted that over 2 months ago!

Wow, that was long time ago.

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You can take a space storage box in Props. You can then use it to upgrade your current weapon by taking a vending machine. The item that is required is the weapon you want to upgrade. The item that will be granted to the player is the upgraded weapon. This works by removing the previous weapon and giving you the upgraded weapon in return. Hope this helps.

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