Overlooked Devices/Options


This wiki will be a grouping of all of the unused/overlooked Devices or Options in GKC. It will detail what possible uses they have and how difficult they are to use. Thanks to @StacheIsTaken for making this a wiki for me (@gimkit_h4ck3r)

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  • Everyone, please don’t edit when it is being edited.
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  • Please don’t change the name when it has one, and remove it when you are done.

This is a stencil to make editing quick and easy.
Check the raw post if you are confused about something.

Name of Overlooked Device/Option

Name of Overlooked Device/Option (and a color ranking of how difficult it is to use.)

Why it is overlooked and what it could be used for.

Extra Notes (Optional)

By @you

The Overlooked

The Knockout Manager

The Knockout Manager :orange_square:

This Device is often overlooked because of its seemingly only use being to count knockouts. However, it has this section:

Screenshot 2024-01-15 1.59.32 PM|64x54,

With this very interesting option:

Screenshot 2024-01-15 2.00.33 PM

This option, once toggled to yes, has a variety of uses! This Device can drop items on the ground, which is useful for battle-royale games! This thing also has a randomizer built into it, albeit, I have no idea if this can be harnessed but it does allow an item to only have a chance to drop! Lastly, this thing has unique blocks, THAT CAN EDIT MOST PROPERTIES. I suggest you play around with this thing, it could open up a lot of possibilities.

By @gimkit_h4ck3r




You can edit now. I’m done.


Poll is better as I don’t get pinged everytime someone votes. A check I get pinged everytime.
Also, people can uncheck your vote on a check. On a poll, they can’t undo your vote.


So that everyone can contribute when they find something, and so that when updates with new devices come out, we can add more!


Also, then we get unlimited editing time.

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Can someone fix the wiki rules?

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I suggest that the poll voters are public

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It is.

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As in who voted is shown so if someone forgets to un-vote or some one just votes for fun


It is.

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Oh, nevermind. It’s probably a client-side glitch
Screenshot 2024-01-15 3.17.33 PM


I don’t honestly know.

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Uh oh…

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What did you guys do?


I don’t even know… I think the poll was glitching.

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I changed it back, please stop messing with it.

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@gimkit_h4ck3r, r u still editing? It’s been a while.

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Yes I still am. I’ve been trying to figure out what kind of format I want.


Alright, done.