Open-world RPG Game mode: [closed]

no does your game save stats and levels

or does it reset each time you l eave

i think you shoud make more they look good

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How would I make it so you save every time you leave

i dont know tbh maybe look up a tut

you can use this guide


or you can use this as like a shop owner or a quest giver
Screenshot 2023-12-21 7.45.44 AM


As much as I like this idea, I don’t think I’ll use it. You see, the players explore the world, completing quests. First to 5 quests wins. So I’m imagining you wandering in a direction, over time adding up your quests. Then, you play a second time, and go a completely new direction, or branch off after following an old one and discovering something. In this case, I don’t really think it’s needed, but thank very muck NotRobertJunki.

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Quest idea: A group of travellers have come across a group of cursed plants, and although they have zappers, they’re too scared to actually take them on. They enlist your “help” to take them out.

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what did you use for the wooden bridge @Oblivion_Gamez1245?

ohhh okay i get it now

Forest path
maybe a quest about finding leaf piles throughout a forest.


that looks also pretty good!

Thank you so much NotRobert for being o positive, your a great person in this community

Some quest ideas:

  • Find a lost "pet’
  • Find a lost item (key would be good)
  • Gather a certain amount of items for someone
  • Find a lost “person”

You could incorporate some of these ideas with the landscape. I’ll be back with more ideas later!

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Thank you, I have a few of these ideas planned so great minds think alike! But next time, try to be more specific.

maybe for the ‘lost person’ idea you have to bring them back through a dangerous area, and if they die you must restart.

Ooooo, never thought about that, good idea. Do you know how to do that?

I would say use a prop for the ‘person’, (because props can be damaged and broken.) and use animations for when you move the prop.

You can make the player mine a certain amount of crystals in the mine