Deleted - See Linked Topic in Reply #14

This was transfered to @ClicClac new post, I will continue to work on that one

This is a post with all of the “On the Nature Series” posts. Keep in mind that not all work here will be made by me, but I do plan to add to this in the future.


You are allowed to add more links if, they have “On the Nature” on their tittle and are Educational, you have to own the posts to put them here, if you don’t own them, please @SpeedShinobi me and I will ask for their permission


Awaiting permission…


On the Nature of a Waypoint: A Comprehensive Study On the Waypoint’s Biology and Its Place In the Community

Inventory Manager

Awaiting permission…

If this is considered off-topic, please contact me and I will fix this. For now, please stay on topic.


I am only basic, so I might need to finish this after I become a higher rank member on a different post.


You know, this isn’t a Wiki, so you won’t be able to edit this forever.

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this is definitely probably off topic.I would like to see this though.

I won’t need to, there is only a certain amount of devices.

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mmm good idea making a bunch of on the natures

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I will try to keep it as On Topic as possible, I added a off-topic warning

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Good.I want to see all of these, and not have you get flagged in progress.

You’re only basic. You have about a day or so to edit.

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Right I forgot about that, after I get a better rank, will I be able to re-edit it?

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No, after the time is over, you won’t be able to…

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Oh well, there goes my idea

You could remake this once you get a better rank though and maybe call it the “On the Nature Series” Collection 2.0 or revised or something like that.

Yeah I’ll try that, I added a notice about this on my post

*This was moved to - It will be resolved from now on

mmm move this to Devices and just mark a solution, we don’t use the resolved tag anymore

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