Old useless art

I’m not super good at anything really

Art is my thing, 10 times better at art then block, I don’t even understand block. Regular coding is a lot easier than block in my opinion + you can do so much more.

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I feel you on that one.

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I am literally the exact opposite. Block coding is my jam. I couldn’t imagine GKC without it.


I basically self-taught myself CPT in May to get all of my games to work. I will tolerate block code, but there’s a reason I have dozens of item granter in every map.


Same, I’m fine with some blocks here and there, but if I can avoid it, I will lol

i basically self-taught myself fishing, but fishing is pretty basic (because I was doing google sheets and scratch before, so I knew it was just a ton of if-else statements).

the first ever system i ever made was a fishing system with popups and bait removing and it actually did work (but it used checkers, I started creative may 19th).

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Hey @mysz, if you could help with turning my desired item box probabilities into block code, that would be very much appreciated! I have a basic idea down, but I’m having trouble applying the loot table guide to the complete item box. How does it really work? What does each number mean?

ok, think of it as a giant… square.

let’s say we want to make our distribution of probability 60%, 25%, 10%, 4%, and 1% (they must all add up to 100%). think of the length of the square as 100, and each percentage as the length of a rectangle that’s a portion of the square.

so like a rectangle with length 60 in the square, a rectangle with length 25, 10, 4, and 1.

we generate a random number, like 78. our random number will be a point that is x away from the origin, so if our random number is 66, then our point is 66 units from the origin

lets generate 86

first, we check if the random point falls in the first rectangle, so is the distance less or equal to 60, it’s not.

okay, so now we check if the random point falls in the second rectangle, so is the distance less or equal to 85, it’s not.

now we check if the random point falls in the third rectangle, so is the distance less or equal to 95, it is. yay.


that was like a geometric explanation, here’s a better one:

generate a random number, if it’s less than a certain number, check if it’s less than a higher number, continue checking until it’s less than a certain number, or it’s equal to the highest number the random number can be.

Thank you! I might need help later, but this will do for now!

Block code-usefulness
Variables can act as free properties
88* better than checkers
Intuitive, concrete, and abstract depending on how you work.

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Don’t hate blocks! At least try them first.


I gave up on prop art. Never really liked this. I am marking a solution so this can be closed, not for giving myself solutions. Please understand.


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