Ok, I need ideas for something

Ok, I know I post a lot, but stick with me. I am taking a break from Monopoly and anything super hard (so I will not be working on checkers). I am deciding to continue working on my map, known as the realm. If you know the lore of my prison map, then you should know what goes on here. This is the sequel, and it is the made-up world that Jordan created, blah blah hopefully you know. But I have decided to add a fifth part of the realm. Currently I have Farmworld, Fishworld, (both are what they look like), Officeworld (capture the flag with tag), and Snowworld (battle royale). What should the fifth part be? I am willing to take most suggestions.


who’s jordan?

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I decided to name the young man/woman Jordan.

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Oh okay, phew.

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Oh, wait. Oops. Never thought about that. Did not do that on purpose, it was on accident.

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I bumped my head onto this when I realized I still needed answers.

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Maybe Vaultworld (an escape room) or Dungeonworld (a dungeon crawler)?

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Space world. If you need inspiration, click on the link in my profile.

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Dungeonworld is a no because the basement is a dungeon to some degree (inspired by the guide too), but I will think about Vaultworld. Although, I don’t know how I would incorperate that into @Anythinger I have so far.


The place is floating in space. I don’t think I want to do space world.

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Sky world? You could make clouds, rainbows, and other things.


No. Also, are all your answers going to do with Mario?

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How does a mine sound? I could make people go in different parts of the mine to get materials?


1 being no, 10 being yes, 5 being indifferent
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0 voters

Ends in approximatly 1 hour


Bump. I want people to vote on this important poll.


I woulda rated 10 if It didnt close


The forum is slow right now, and same.

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Yeah, mines are cool, especially if you add in darkness mechanics. How about mechanical town? Like scrap metal and sentries everywhere, from a civilization lost to time…oh and lasers too.


That would be cool, but way different than my aim. Even mines are a little out of perspective. But hey, what can I say, I might as well.

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First @ClicClac, then you.