Offtopic Thumbnail Showcase (OP mark solution please)

This is just one out of the 5 i am making idk what to put as the title/ i am not finished with it either lol.

Also please vote for a title choice


This is off topic I’m pretty sure, it’s not helping anyone, you should prob mark a solution.


How is it off topic?

How is it on topic?

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It’s about Gimkit thumbnail art

I’m sorry but I’m pretty sure showcases aren’t allowed, you can post it on the thumbnail request place, but basically this is just a clutter of space.

Also the forums are meant for gkc help, how is this helping (well also for updates about the game but…)

@Slim idk if this topic is off topic or not but i think it isn’t :?

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But how is this one off topic when a lot of other people on the forums had posted thumbnail art of their own? (As a topic.)

Idk, i wasn’t here to see any, I’ll ask bh

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Ok! And also i made a topic like this before and it wasn’t off topic…

Just messaged bh and the mods, waiting for they’re response.

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the other people were asking for advice, your just showcasing it, therefore, its off-topic/spam

My topics about to get taken down :cold_sweat:


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Most of the reply’s is an argument, and since two people are saying its off topic their gonna take it down.

Also i forgot my poll

It isn’t in my opinion. You are asking advice to improve on your own thumbnail.


I dont think she is tho