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art inspires many a person

Ok but these forums are not for art. These forums are for devices.

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These forums are for help, guides, and bugs and that includes art art is a type of guide you could make


and help on gimkit creative. As well as being creative. That’s why its called gimkit creative, isn’t it?

not just devices


now we stay on topic.

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I do agree with you, but forums don’t really need art, for example, all you need is barriers, and pixel art with emojis, So gimkit creative is based on… well… the name… being creative! Props could be used too, but mostly are irrelevant.


I know, as soon as you posted yours, I just posted mine, I couldn’t see lol. But yeah. I agree.

Mark solution to stop clutter? We could do that.


Wat? you can’t mark a solution on guides

just click the 3 dots, click report, and set the reason as because i want to close it. The mods will remove ur post. (eventually) @ecraig5871

These forums were specifically created for help on devices, not for help on art. You can ask for design help, but that isn’t the main purpose of the forums. I don’t have any evidence for this, but do you think that most new users come here for help on art?

hm. :thinking:

sure they could like making among us they might not know how to do it

I don’t get what you mean there.

I think they mean that someone might want to make art in their map but don’t know how.

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you said that and I think some might come for help on among us art etc.


Ok, but is that most users? Just look at the latest help topics.

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Some users but what is there were no art topics?

Then there would be less clutter…
Some art guides are helpful like the thumbnail one but ones that keep using barriers, well, we already know its an option so we can figure it out by ourselves. And I think there’s a tug for barrier art.

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and there would be more for art nobody would have a guide for art
ok let’s get back on topic
nice guide @ecraig5871

They could just post it in tug.

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