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before i start this guide i need to tell you that i made this because EVERYONE loves teddy bears, Right… am i right
this is what it should look like when finished


then take the two big circles and do this
Screenshot 2024-01-16 15.55.53
after that take two medium circles and do this
Screenshot 2024-01-16 15.57.11
next take the 4 long pole like thingies and place them like this

then add the balls at the ends of the arms and legs

finally for the rest is for it’s face and toes

And now you have made a teddy bear @ecraig5871 OUT!!!


Can I say something?

You can respond now.

It looks like those teddy bear graham crackers, and I love it lol.

Wait I forgot what I was going to say

okay then say it @leahciM

I said I forgot what I was going to say did you not read?

Nice Guide, @ecraig5871!

oh sorry I Dumb because i just had benchmark testing

We aren’t making any more art guides. They are too easy, clutter the forums, and have little to no practical application.


I’m pretty sure that art, if given no guide here, would be more creative without the tutorials.

But besides pixel art, there was no really revolutionary thing with art, and I don’t believe that it will ever have something really important to it again, so I think its best that we stick with pixel art, or making stuff with barriers. And I agree with you, too easy and clutter forums. They could be put under the help tab to give ideas, but I don’t think so.


That is the idea.
[barrier art is still similar and in most cases not great but still yes]

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art inspires many a person

Ok but these forums are not for art. These forums are for devices.

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These forums are for help, guides, and bugs and that includes art art is a type of guide you could make


and help on gimkit creative. As well as being creative. That’s why its called gimkit creative, isn’t it?

not just devices


now we stay on topic.

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I do agree with you, but forums don’t really need art, for example, all you need is barriers, and pixel art with emojis, So gimkit creative is based on… well… the name… being creative! Props could be used too, but mostly are irrelevant.


I know, as soon as you posted yours, I just posted mine, I couldn’t see lol. But yeah. I agree.

Mark solution to stop clutter? We could do that.


Wat? you can’t mark a solution on guides