Hey there!
I am working on a Top-Down obstacle course game, and I need some ideas of the levels
In this game, you are going to bypass all the levels without getting terminated by the deadly sentries and lasers, what is worse, there will also be a tons of barriers along with the lasers to distract you. you could proceed to the next level once you eliminated all the sentries in a level. genocidē
Here is a sample about how will I make them (this is a lot easier than what the actual game will present)
there will be 27 levels like this in total, so feel free to start, be creative
and, please make them hard as possible, but not impossible.
The name of your level
yay! make your own special name your own special level!
make it cooler, and don’t suggest something like “Skibidi Sigma maze” or other lame stuffs.
The terrain you want to use to layout your level (1-3 types of walls and 1-2 types of floors)
The difficulty: make the difficulty x/30
0 Tutorial/Super Easy/You should just quit GKC if you fail this one
1-5 Easy
5-10 Medium
10-15 Hard
15-20 Difficult
20-25 Insane
25-30 Gimpossible
The color of your barriers and lasers
You should come out with 2 colors in total
The amount of sentries (x/5)
each level should at least contain 1 sentry (Boss sentry)
each level should at most contain 4 sentries and 1 Boss sentry
you know why, memories.
You are also welcomed to include their costume, weāpon and HP (Oh god promise me you won’t put 1000000^10000 for it)
Preferred weâpon of the Player
The player will get a different weåpon for each level to defend themselves from the sentries
I will include everybody’s idea in the game and put those names in the Credits.
If you want your credit to be shown in the Credits, you don’t have to include this in your post
If you do concern about it, please tell me that you don’t want your name to appear in the Credits.
You could make a maze where you have to cross some lasers when you are really slow, and you have to defeat a lot of sentries while you do the lasers. You could have a blaster common, and the sentries could have evil eye commons. The boss sentry would have an evil eye legendary. Oh, and the name could be Laser Labyrinth.
time to “ruin” a game with my lame idea
there can be strong sentries hiding behind ruins of a temple and you must get past the strong sentries (100 shield 500 health legendary quantum portal minigun thing) and a bunch of traps like hidden lasers and pressure plates (triggers) that enable crazy stuff
“Astra’s Ruins”
(sorry for bad pun)
name: respawn raceway
terrain: whatever looks racetrack-ey
difficulty: 5-10
color of barrier and lasers: tan and white
amount of sentries: two (one announcer and one other racer doing on oil change)
sentry health: approximately 1000000^10000 health (i dunno, just do the normal amount of health per sentry)
preferred weapon: zapper (plot twist, it has twice the reload time by taking it away and giving it back every so often as to make it really annoying (call it an oil change))
name: the big bad bakery
terrain: white and black marble (checkered pattern)
difficulty: 15-20
color of barrier and lasers: green (like the p.m.l color) and muffin-colored brown
amount of sentries: three (chef, waiter, and other chef)
sentry health: just increase the difficulty of health by something like two/three hundred in the order of waiter, other chef, and chef
preferred weapon: wooden wand P.M.L