Also, I want to know if there’s an interval between the calls for the relay loop, like how many times it would get called a second. I can’t do that right now (gtg) so any help would be appreciated!
the reason we use triggers or wire repeaters is because they can have actual delays
checkers, counters, and relays do not have delays so they can not be used for loops
the only way to avoid the game crashing involves adding a trigger or a wire repeater for the delay and at that point you might as well just make a trigger loop
concept guides are where you explain the concept and it needs to be something like pseudo teaming where you can’t really make a guide on it so instead you just explain the concept
chill please I just got back here after 30 minutes and I see this. . . If its not a concept just let it be an idea
Also I posted this because it’s the only original thing I could think of, nobody posted it before.
whatever I’ll mark solution