Not needed topic do not respond

Thats what I’m sayin :smile:

thanks shdwy thanks a lot

Also counters are totally better than triggers. Once again, I bring up the point that

everything about triggers can be replaced

it’s not so with counters, though.

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Also counters can be used with tons of mechanics and help other devices function. It also stores a number inside of it. Some devices would even be useless without the counter because there would be no way to count time, adjust properties, etc.

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:no_mouth::expressionless::grimacing: so true…counters are better at saving memory storage by running many things instead of using a bajillionion different devices…so counter would be more most unique and needed device…triggfavoriteate sooooo two v 1 counter wins…

@Haiasi i’m curious didn’t you vote no to making more things like this for props and terrain? if so please explain you are very extraordinarily smart I wanna hear your reasoning i’m not at all upset. LOL you were replying before i even posted this…

Yes that is right, counters, triggers and properties are the most useful devices (:goat:s) of GKC.

The counter can count events and store information, the property can be linked to the counter so it can be checked through blocks through the trigger.
Devices with best synergy.

I’m not Haisai but I agree with him that these shouldn’t happen again. Props and terrain are just decorative and making two more of these – or even one more – would be a bit spammy. This was nice, but one is definitely enough.


I figured I just wanted to see what the community thought not just my opinion but others too

Ok everyone now we are ready for the guide put your thoughts on what your favorite device can do (its special features) and i will make a guide including it but use the >hide details please…less jumbled

  • Can be activated by channel
  • Can be deactivated by channel
  • Broadcasts when triggered
  • Has block code and is used for randomizers
  • Can be stepped on to trigger or that function can be turned off
  • Has optional delay (so don’t have to use wire repeater or a repeater)
  • Can be visible or invisible
  • Can block other team triggering
  • Can have max triggers
  • Can have global or player scope of it being maxed out
  • Can be used as randomizer
  • Has many aspects of different blocks like repeater delay, all possible chanel setting right now, scopes, etc.

like this

No more poll anymore

So nobody want to help???no ideas on how to use different functions? I mean i’m not that smart and I made a big list for trigger…

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Nevemrind canceling it all…nobady want to help me with guides ll just go back to doing it solo and helping others… :neutral_face:

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thats not something i would like please explain why you guys liked those two @2029bensonVin… I am really curious…seriously.

No negative attitude involved…does that mean you feel the same or am i over exaggerating… i don’t want to be negative here.

You’ve sent 8 messages in a row.

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Ok what happened…???my friend stole computer what did he do this time…??? AW…OK I am going to have a serious conversation with him tomorrow! I Cannot believe he posted all this stuff!! :rage: sorry guys that was NOT me it was my friends version of a prank…I need to specify gimkit+prank on me account = :fire: :rage:

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no im not lying…why would i post all this and lie like that after helping nonstop till 8:00 P.M after school???

I wouldn’t blame him for lying, we don’t know what is going on on his/hers (I don’t know sorry.) side of the computer. We should All get back on-topic now.

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