New Update: January 22nd, 2024

Now that covers up farm chain. And there’s already capture the flag, tag, snowbrawl ,fishotopia, and snowy survival. Now there’s basically every game(That’s fun) Yay!!! (Except for like DLD and Blastball but yeah…)

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I can’t explain to you how good this update is, I instantly added the crafting table to my game. Thanks so much!


It’s not really that simple, there aren’t any new items or resources, so it’s not like we have wood or sticks, or anything actually from Minecraft, so you can still hold onto your system.


i find making randomizers kinda hard so randomizer/fishing loot pool device?

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Go to your messages, and read the discobot one and do what is says…

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Eh @josh ? Can you do another one like this?

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Please don’t ping josh, you have a better chance of reaching him on the gimkit discord.


Ya know an update I really want? The ability to group devices (shrink/enlarge). Honestly I would be more excited if this happened than platforming prepares for a smack down attack

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The update I want is the barn, two tone tinting, and xp device.


Yasss! I can understand why xp device probably won’t come out, but I have wanted the barn for a while, and I hadn’t even thought about two tone tinting, but that would be cool…

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Yeah Im think like fortnite on the Xp device, you have to request gimkit to get a licenese(aka user permission) to use the XP device, and it will only allow a cap of like 1k a game(per map, not host).


You can just put words in <>

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Guys, please stop asking for new updates. Just be happy with what you have. Asking for them won’t make them appear any quicker.


We should stop asking on here, but the nolt or discord would be fine. Plus there is aways room for improvement. And all you need to do is ask with one sentence, and i am proof. I asked josh in an email to add the boat prop, and with’in 48 hours it was added. Plus Gimkit likes to here from their community on what they wish to have.


now i thought about it this may come to a chat room or people gonna keep asking and if that the case shouldn’t they just don’t click or do until it actually happens->close the post? or lock it.

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Only TL4, moderator, and admin can lock and close a post.


The xp device could be abused, giving players lots of xp.

I still want it :confused:


I would love an idea for the XP device, however, players would abuse it to farm XP on their creative games.

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