This update brings a new Popup Call To Action device along with new gadgets!
Cool! I can finaly make a list of upgrades for my maps easier once I get the season ticket again!
(Wait, did the format change a bit?)
Yeah new device and the shadow for the character device and new gadgets and new format
Hey Josh! Great update! This looks super helpful!
I can’t wait to pair these up with characters, sentries, and vice versa!
now I can be a little more lax with popups now
thank you team gimkit for bringing us updates, and new content!
I appreciate those efforts : D
hey Josh rq question will there be more physics devices/map options coming up?
or a text entry device?
and will future devices have blocks?
also yeah thank you for your efforts
javascript still seems like a crazy loop for me
I hope when the popup list device becomes free, it just becomes an option in the popup device instead of its own thing.
Nice update as always josh.
Thanks for the update (I already knew from the documentation) and keep making gimkit great!
Thanks for the update!
The new device looks really cool, can’t wait to try it out!
also the Apocalypse Gadgets are finally here :D
Cool! Thanks for the new update Josh!
W update (i wonder who found the bug about the shadows on the character device)
really cool update josh (yay forums is back)
Nice Update Josh (is that why I couldn’t load the forums?)
Yep. New discourse update apparently.
Nice update! We finally got another melee gadget
Wait was the pickaxe the only melee gadget before?
Thank you Josh (saw this on the discord)
whats the other melee gadget (i dont see it)
My goodness I love the new gadgets. I was waiting for them to come out!