Hello once again. I have more questions for the (updated) features for the new version of GimParty. I have spaces handles, as well as rolling and everything else required from last version. I do have some new questions, as well as if and how to solve them. I’ll list them below, and when someone solves them in a post, I’ll edit them and the post number in.
I want to make it where once a total of players times 10 (to represent turns) the game ends and results are tallied. Is this possible?
I want to make certain items usable to influence your dice rolls, by adding 5, or allowing you to roll 2, 3, or even 4 dice to determine how far you move. Could this work?
Is it possible to limit a player’s movement to what they just rolled to how many spaces they can travel?
I’ll add more questions later on, but for now, these are the only three. Once I finish the map, or at least release the first version, I’ll probably mark a solution and call this thread a day. Thanks in advance for any help you can give!
for number three probably using like energy and such, so that they get say 1000 energy if they roll a 1 and they use 1000 energy to move 1 space.
(that typo did NOT happen idk what typo you’re talking about.)
Maybe, you could make it where whenever you roll a property like DiceGim1 is for one. Your Gim rolls one. The property let’s you move forward one space by opening 1 barrier at a time and repeat this.
Oooh, I like those ideas @jax1 and @ShadowGim. Do you think you could show me what would be needed to code that in? I’ve never really worked with properties before, so it’d help.
I might be able to figure it out, but number three might not be possible. The energy idea you gave earlier might work, if I put the spaces exactly such and such energy steps apart.
I was thinking about using teleporters, and it costing one something to teleport to the next space, but that may be data-inefficient. I could make it work though, so we’re on the right track.
And yeah, I’m… not very familiar with properties, not even sure I’ve used them before
Is it possible to use zones to detect when a player drops their item, then gives them a popup that gives them the corresponding dice to the item? This would solve issue #2, and I think I know how it would look…
so you want to track how many players? use a live player counter. whatever the number of players is, have a property track. then, make another property that watches a variable that multiples the counter by ten
OK, a new topic I need help with. Instead of wasting two game overlays on a Cash and a Gimberry tracker, I want to make one Game Overlay that displays at the start like:
Gimberries: 0 | Cash: 10
How can I do this? I have two Inventory Managers (each tracking one or the other), two properties (one named Cash, and one named Gimberries) and a Game Overlay out. I thought I knew how to do this, but I didn’t. Help me, please and thank you