We all never have enough bio room
-Some Random Gim
Favorite Quotes:
As a wise gim once said, "You don’t have to say you are leaving." -Someone
Some Random Stuff
I eat penguins
I know how say Shakespearean
1st one to attempt making a flight sim for now
Is the master at dialogue
Leader Of Gim Studios
People I consider friends: (Most are in Gim Studios)
@Moyai -An overall chill dude.
@ShadowDragon44 -Stop sending a copy of myself to fight me
@NotYoyo -Goofy Goober
@hi0_0 -I’ll miis you, buddy. You were such a good gim.
As GimGamer1 approached the darkness, a car came crashing down on him. Someone catched the car and throwed it to the side. “One, Million, Percent.” His best friend, Polball remarked. A shadow appeared out of a flaming pile, and a figure walked up. “Why do look like me?” Gim said angrily." Why do you look like me?" Said the shadow. Rahhhhh! Gim lunged at Shadow." Nice try but, this ends now." Gim sailed across the sky, crashing into a wall. As Shadow sped away in a motor bike, Gim whams a sword into the tire. End of part one
Why are you still here?
You want a badge?
Fine, here you go…
Oh wait, I never gave you one.
Also, since I changed my name
Why are you in my home
Get OUT-
Oh wait, you want a badge?
Too bad
The most secret badge ever:
The Paradox Badge
My hidden Badges:
Find in a game that I made. Go find it!
Chooses my thumbnail for a thumbnail request
Beats me at Hitbox. Kinda impossible!
Song I made:
I’m hanging on to the other side
I won’t give up to the end of me
I can bury the pain
Just get out of my way
This is my destiny
And you can’t stop me
When we dance with destiny
I’m feeling this
And you can’t stop it
Running away is part of the fun
Running from the past never gives you glory
Just go
I’ve been down this road before
I know this story
Cause’ I am undefeated
Just get out of my way
Admit it
When you time has come and gone
I can bury the pain
I can brush away the world
Nothing won’t stop me now
Since I’m on track
It’s your destiny
It’s your destination
In my fate