Need some hard platformer jumps for my game

Can somebody give me some hard platformer jumps to add to my game? If you do I will give you a shout-out.

Look at cello’s guide:


Change the title so it’s easier to understand what you mean. Right now, it’s suggesting that you can just say “yes” and get a shoutout lol.

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What about you make realllyyyy tiny lava bucket jumps, or like a really thin prop

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You could make the props look faint

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Crumbling platforms. Stand on them for 1 second and they fall. Random barriers with low alpha.

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Oh, yeah that’d be cool


Maybe you could make moving platforms by constantly switching which one is activated.

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For a challenging code, maybe you could try to add wall jumping in certain areas.

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Random speed boost jumps that throw you off but are only possible with it.

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Heard you needed some platformer tricks. Well, I may or may not be able to help:

These will try and confuse your player, and there are some randomizers in there, so it will be interesting trying to guess, and nobody knows for sure where the platforms are tricks or real(not even the creator) in the specific game. Hope this helps!

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you can create slope jump platforms (requires the slope jump glitch)

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Here’s a guide I made on movement mechanics:

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