Need help with people to add to my game

I and @spikelord am trying to make a game smaller to Brawl Stars Gimkit-style (i.e make some forum users into gimfighters)

I’m going to do this by asking what gim is your favorite, what weapon is your favorite, and if you are slow, fast do a lot of damage, etc…

Try not to make yourself too powerful. For example, if you do a lot of damage, you can be slow, or if you do little damage, you are faster. You can have an ability for medkits, shield, etc…

Or you can have other abilities like making walls appear in certain spots.

I don’t want to add people without permission, so I am making this help topic.

Follow these steps if you want to be added.

If you want to be added, list your top 2 favorite gims and weapons. Now list abilities if you want any. Anything that you don’t put I will fill in with something random. Make sure to take other posts into account.

(btw yes I did see the other post about Brawl Stars.)


You might get flagged for being off-topic, but I can give you some ideas. Just prob no today because I’m in class.


Name: GimGuy
Weapons: Zapper, Evil Eye (Both Rare If Possible)
Two Gims: Day One, Stache
Abilities: “Back To Day One: Teleports Back To Spawn.”

Does this work?


Yes that’s perfect! Thanks!

Off-topic note: I was worried that this would get flagged

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Name: Sharkian
Weapons: Epic Snowball launcher
Gims: Frostbuddy or Kawky (shark gim)
Abilities: Gold Banana that heals you for 10 seconds or more


Name: Oso
Weapons: Evil Eye, Pickaxe (Rare or Epic if possible)
Two Gims: Melody (The Watermelon), PumpGim
Ability: “Seed Spray” Attack 5x faster for 6 sec

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This sounds really cool! Heres my attempt at making a character:
Name: UnityHavoc
Weapons: Epic evil eye / Epic blaster (Depends on swap [dont know if you could implement this but it would be cool if you did :slight_smile: ] )
Gims: Horizono or Solaria
Ability: Swapper; Switch between slow but strong and fast but weak with a cooldown of 30 seconds.
Health: Around medium
Speed: Depends on swap
Power: Depends on swap

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Name: PokeX
Weapons: Blaster (Epic or Legendary) & 3 Medkits
Gims: Cocoa Cup, The Broker
Ability: Extra Speed (Just a Speed Boost)

This Character is really fast but has low health, kinda like the scout, from Team Fortress 2 or Brawl Starrs Max

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Name: Crimson
Weapon: Evil Eye (Rare or Epic) and 3 shields
Gims: Sirath and Flurry
Ability: Damage boost for a period of time.

This character is high health but pretty slow.

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Name: idk
Gims: riff and dodge
Weapons: quantum portal and slingshot
Abilities: Grave Maker?; can be 2 things: slow down everyone but the player to half speed for 30 sec or aoe that covers map and does tick damage to everyone and a little less to the player and lasts for 10 secs.
Mid Health, Low Damage, Really Fast


Name: Mandalin
Gims: Stock-Brocker and Chompez(the new one)
Weapons: Quantum portal and Zapper
Abilities: Lets make a deal (for the stockbroker), which swaps weapons with a random player.
(for Chompez)Nom Nom time makes it so anyone near Chompez will unalive, which will last for 3 secs.
Chompez: Slow, High Health (he is a flippin dinosaur) and above average damage
The stockbroker: Fast, low health (he’s just a business person) medium damege

I wouldn’t put pickaxe because there is a chance that the pickaxe PVP will be removed…

ah man

Love the Golden Banana part!

I don’t think it is possible to attack faster. There are not customizable weapons.

I think I could do this! All I need is a overlay when pressed to give and take them.


Ok, I will remove it from the post.

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Okay. How about “Fruit B0mb” Which sets b0mbs around the map? And change my Pickaxe to Quantum Portal.

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Do you like mine? :pleading_face:


Name: GimMasterX
Weapons: Wooden Wand and Snowball Laucher (Wooden Wand Legendary and Snowball Laucher Uncommon
Top 2 Favorite Gims: Niblet and Sketch
Abilities: Double Damage and Health Regeneration!

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The name is the name of the character, and you have 2 characters

Oh I’m saying either one