I'm making super gim bros and i need help

Weapon:Quantuam portal(Common)
Ability 1:Heals 1 hp(Health) per second.
Ability 2:Can make others slower(0.75) for 3 seconds with a 10 second cooldown.
Ability 3:Can reveal the location of a random player(Using a waypoint and a relay device) for 10 seconds with a cooldown of 20 seconds.

name: IRE
gim: chompz or chompz costume
Weapon: Quantum portal (epic)
IRE: Sucks health from all players, this ability is done when a player is knocked out by IRE(the screen is filled by a 0.3 transparent purple barrier for 3 seconds)
ULTIMATE IRE: When streak is at 5, a popup says START THE IRE and all other players are respawned 5 times, the screen is filled by a 0.8 alpha purple barrier (make sure the barrier is above the players)
FORCE OF IRE: 5 sentries with chompz costume skins are spawned(they don’t respawn after being knocked out) And damage is increased to 2x for 10 seconds(I guess that doesn’t matter because the player already has an epic quantum portal?). This happens when streak is at 3.

side effects: speed is 0.8x

Gimkit skin: pink axolotl if possible
Weapon: Quantum portal
Nearly invincible
Goes unviable or camofladge sometimes

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Name: Cardebm
Gimkit skin: peaceful morning
Weapon: snowball launcher
Abilities: really Fast fire rate, double damage and regenerates health

Are we allowed to add different people? If so:

Name: Meme_master

Gimkit skin: Glass half full

Weapon: slingshot- rare

Ability: able to make a “emerald” generator (green seed generator) on a very specific place. Once they get 20 “emeralds” they can buy a blaster called the “headhunter” that gives them a damage boost too.
(the generator produces 1 green seed every 5 seconds)

(Aw man my doesn’t get put off in the game :sob:)

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@Matheas This is very similar to a post I did! You can use some of mine for inspiration.

Please do not copy the characters from my post, because I have them in my game, but you can get ideas based off of them.

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Name: GimGuy

Skin: Day One, Stache

Weapon: Zapper

Ability: “Beginning Up: Start From Common Weapon, And Every Fifteen Seconds, Weapon Tier Increases Until Legendary. When Knocked Out, Restart Chain”

Ability: Beginning To Back: When You Respawn, You Have Five Seconds Where You Are Immortal (Infinite Regen) And Can Do WHatever You Want Before Being Teleported Back To Spawn

Ability: Begin At The End: When You Respawn, You Have A Choice To Spawn Close To Where You Fell (Coordinate Grid)

Advantages: Lots Of Health

Disadvantages: Basic Stats, Aside From 1.2X Speed.

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Name: CEO
Skin: Stache
Ability: able to send guards.
Weapon: Blaster (Legendary)

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Name: Slim

Skin: Fraise

Ability: Hurry Up!
Every time you get a knockout you get faster but deal less damage. If you get knocked out, you reset to slow and dealing more damage.

Weapon: I don’t care. You can choose.

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Can you still suggest a Gimkit player??

Jsyk, there are supposed to be 3 abilities.


Name: Titan
Skin: Ozi
Ability: activate double damage for a few seconds
Ability: Every time you destroy a prop or something you get blocks you can build with
Ability: Regenerate
Weapon: Quantum portal

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Name: Yoyo?
Gim: Shamrock Sam or Dodge
Weapons: slingshot, evil eye, PML, snowball launcher/quantum portal and zapper (common/uncommon)
Ability: None (Due to his numerous weapons)
Speed: 1.25
Disadvantages: -25% HP when started


Sketch, Dodge, or dragon


Epic Blaster with damage boost X5 >:)

“Void-Enhanced Dragon Dance”- Upgrade speed to 4 for 10 seconds.
“Shadow-Hunting”- Get a legendary slingshot (damage boost x5) for 10 seconds.
“Fugitive of the Supernova”- Upgrade damage to 10x

Not much health.

Lots of shield.

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Name: GimGamer
Gim:gamer blue
Weapon: quantum portal
Abilitys; is able to go invis and teleport

Disadvantages:slow reload, low health

Advantages teleport BOYS

Im pretty sure thats more than 10 people lol


Name: Bananas123
Gim: Splitzy or Yellow Split
Weapon: Evil Eye (rare)
Ability: Any gims around you slip, and stop moving for 3 seconds. 30 second cooldown

Sry for the late responds and thank you for all the Ideas Ill add the first ten and add the next after that hank you again and btw if you haven’t replied your character you can still add it but there will be a wait.


Make sure to mark a solution (unless you want there to be even more characters)! To prevent clutter!


Suggestion: Name it Super Smash Gims instead, because at first I thought it was Super Mario Bros in Gimkit.