Need help on making fishing system

So, I need a fishing system that gives fish and is randomized by chance.
I know there are guides on this, but it’s all deleted images.

So, please help.

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please read before posting.

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Here are some pictures from my fishing system:

The “bait” property tracks the amount of bait via an inventory item manager.
The “rodlevel” property is a property that allows players to upgrade their rod.
The “luckbonus” property is basically the thing that makes different places more lucky, so before going to this each place has a trigger setting that property to the appropriate value.

All of the channels broadcast to item granters that grant the corresponding fish.

This item granter grants bait.

Hope this helps!

Thank you so much!
i’ll add you to credits :slight_smile:

@magic_iain I have the vaccine.

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