Need help making a running and stamina system

Yes, the title says what it says and no I cannot find any guide


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wdym by running?

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Like you can run for a short time, or run until you stop?

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run for a certain amount of time (The time depends on how much stamina you have)

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so are you doing properties for movement or…
have you tried the movement meter device?

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I’ve never seen that thing in my life

no properties btw

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Movement meter (BOOM)
Movement item (BOOM)
Gim (BOOM)


No properties?
This is easy
Ok first off make a game overlay, have it say “sprint” by default
when it is clicked, hide the overlay and show a different overlay called “walk” Have it be a button to,
when the sprint button is clicked, also have it activate a trigger loop that constantly removes the stamina as a resource (Recommending using energy) and have it go to a speed modifier to increase the player’s speed.
When walk is pressed, deactivate the trigger loop and use a speed modifer to set the speed to the default speed, also have it hide and show the sprint button again


your stamina wheel has been depleted. Either eat an Energizing Meat Skewer or wait 20 hours.

First, grab an overlay device and a speed modifiyer…

Try this guide!

And if needed make it so you can Regen stamina


Make sure the overlay looks like this…

And the speed changer like this…

Well, this is imcomplete, I suggest you to check on the guide Txme posted.
a text overlay cannot be interacted and the speed cannot get transferred without a receiving channel, last but not least, this system is only for a permanent speed boost.

Do this (read comments for simplified version):

BUT make it so you activate this from your normal speed so you can run faster but then slow back down to normal pace.

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well since I now know how to do it imma mark a solu. (I Thank everyone for trying to help me! :smile: )

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