Need help furnishing my cafe

btw this may be off topic so tell me if you need to flag this

So I think my cafe looks a little bland so can you help me like add stuff in it please? thank you.

what my cafe looks like

more plants

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flower pots and stools would help


add chairs, stools, and laptops! maybe place a TV somewhere and put coffee emojis in texts on the table! also at the front door, there is a zone… that is not necessary, you can just use a trigger! and make it “trigger on collision” (when someone steps on it!)


NPC Sentries if you want.


maybe a carpet?

i say this way too often,
im surprised i haven’t made a guide on how to make a carpet yet lol o_o

Maybe, since it is a cafe, you can put coffee cup emojis on the tables, and maybe the muffin tray prop to give it vibe. In addition to that, you can make like a jar :jar: but make it a tip jar for tips on the counter. You can make a cash register to spice things up a bit you know? I agree with what chrysostom and speedy_kd4 said, it would be awesome to put carpets and laptops, chairs and stools! The possibilities are endless. I also agree with leahciM, potted plants would give spice too. :smiley_cat:


Well maybe add a balcony?
Add some chairs?
Sentry servers and customers?
Bread and more food and drinks of the tables?

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Tip jar, outdoor area, greenery, customers, emojis, and what everyone else says!