My rusty submarine: help needed

I need ideas for functions on the sub.
I already have:
RAndom events
(should I do a kraken attack where vine props jump onto the ship and then u have to use blaster to blast off.)



You should have a sabotager!

please explain clearly

mutinyed crew

Like crew that isn’t on your side.
(use sentries)

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maybe tracking fish… aka the other team!!! If, or course, you do something to unlock the feature

you could add an event where there is a leak and the people on board must collect a certain material and place it down (using a button and a vending machine) which adds a barrier to look like a patch. You can use a counter to count how many patches are fixed and if it hits the target in under a certain time you win the event.


this is a cooperative map

so sentries spawn onto the ship?

You should have one person who at the beginning of the game is chosen to be a sabotager. They can do certain things to try to sink the ship. There are others who try to catch the sabotager. It could be like a mini side quest.

you could use it to track sentries or obstacles? Like “FIsh”

yeah and some of the crew don’t like you as captain or smth, and the mutiny decides to go against you
(some of crew=some sentries)


that’s like amoung us…
What I have in mind is more of a:
survive 30min and get as much score as possible!

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Ok, then I don’t have any ideas.

another one is you can set up a mini game on “steering” the boat where you have to click different buttons (left right, forward) under 5 seconds and if you fail the boat sinks and if not you win. (you would need a counter to make a goal of how many buttons would need to be pressed correctly to win)

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whatever you dont eat i’ll eat it for you :3

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also, subs have engines, so you can add a thing where you have to put up the fill a engine w/ coal in a certain amount of time and if u don’t THE BOAT SINKS AHHHH

ummm. ok…

You could possibly have a virus infection on your ship, and people have to somehow find out what’s making everyone sick and how to use what they have in the submarine to cure the disease.

ooh… I like the idea of coal

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I mean.
ok I’ll try to implement that.
who has a idea on like the layout of the ship, not just events