Moving Sentries🦊

Huh that seems so obvious something to do…yet I didn’t think of it…:person_facepalming:



Bruh Okay if you people keep posting that try creating say a scale replica of the sun! or like making more then 100% memory! No it’s Impossible

but why is all the research in the Devices section?

we might get an update so that we can do it because the new game mode might have moving sentries to act like zombies.

This is why.

Technically :nerd_face: you can use the inspect element I think.

This has already been said, anyways.

How are YOU a regular I have been on this since practically march! oh wait my old account… sigh.

I worked hard for three months.
Also it might’ve been manual since a bunch of people got regular at the exact same time and at least one of them had left the forums.

What happened to your old account?

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I lost it and could not get back on when my Chromebook was wiped.

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It was not even for anything it was just wiped one day…

Plus The only thing I have not really done is created topic lately.

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    anyways so guys what if we have a teleporter (not activeated) on a sentry and then activate it? wwill this work?

umm, i cant join docs that anrt with my school so sry

we have a way to do it, is a global share by not using a school account.

I’ll prove it then. We have a sentry. We place it down at a fixed coordinate, and nothing can move it. Unless you make a sentry fall in platformer, it’s impossible.

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well it can be platformer or top down…its about either…that’s why I didn’t specify a type of map, since it can be either.

Actually there’s a guide about this, but it takes up a lot of memory

show me it. if its the method I think it is, its not that much memory if you do it right…if not then it has to be an outdated one.