Moving Sentries🦊

Is there any way to make a sentry moving system other than animate
Sentry-deactivate, activate sentry next to it, etc.
I want to find out a way to do it, there has to be some less complex, way or more memory saving one, or even just a more efficient way…If you don’t wanna test stuff, just give me ideas and methods and I can test it for you, but I wanna find another way.
(Change the tag if you want regulars, I’m not good with remembering what tags are for help topics, or for guides, ect. I always get it wrong)

I sadly don’t think there’s a way. (I don’t think this is a research though, I think that’s only for devices. If this is a general question instead of game help, I recommend you move this to Devices and put the research tag back.)


To start would it be more efficient to use channels, wires, or both to test stuff out?

With all the stuff we have figured out already in gimkit creative, there has to be another way to do this.

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You can teleport sentries in platformer. No other way.


You can?..Really??

the Devices is not a trash bin no more

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Yes because of gravity.

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well, but anything else, coding that we can use to possibly do this?

not now.

Is this a generic question for everyone, or a question for your map?


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Okay, moving it to devices for the purpose of research on the sentry.

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(now this is superstition because of what I know about the new mode, so take this with much salt) from what I’ve red, and fro the idea of the new mode, we might (and I mean barley might) be getting moving sentries (very unlikely because making ai that shoots and moves can be a lot, again take this with a grain of salt)

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Although this isn’t possible right now, i’ve heard from wolftech’s post that josh emailed them back saying that sentries would be able to move soon.


It’s not Devices because it breaks the rules for whatever reason, it’s because that’s what (I think) it fits best in.


You can change it yourself as a regular!

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I doubt that there is a more efficient way, if any at all. It is impossible to move pretty much any device, prop, or terrain in gkc that’s not a item

I didn’t because it could’ve gone in either category, so I wanted to let legobuilder decide.

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You can actually move one, but not like very physical. All you need is a button and a prop that’s shown and a prop that’s hidden.

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