Movement in Player for GKC

If the player is moving for more than 5 minutes, they earn some items from an item granter or invisible vending machine. How do you do that?

Also, is it possible to do that??

you can do a function that works like the infinte money, but change the seconds to 5 time 60 to equal 5 minutes.


Yea, actually have a checker across the map and a item granter for max of the thing you want, make it so they cannot drop this. Have multiple checker and walk for 5 minutes and see how much energy it uses and have the checkers check for each that amount of energy. Say every 5 minutes it takes one energy and you start off with 100 (This is not a good one because it is not accurate but it still describes it) and have a check for 99 and after that 5 minutes it takes the energy and have the checker on check successful grant item (from an item granter) (oh nvm then)

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These are great ideas. Thank you all of you, I will test them out and take my time to read out all of your great ideas and links. Give me a few minutes, okay?


no rush, good things take time.

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Understood. But take your time.

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Okay, I’ll mark a solution later. Thanks for helping me anyway!

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