More help is needed with my RPG map

that’s a good idea, I’ll add that

and why are they a villain if they think someone is the cause of the plague

They think the force that caused the plague is themselves, so everyone else thinks they are the cause too.


… so what part does the player have in it

Astrologists found out that the player is the one fated to defeat the villain. They are sent to track down the villain to put a stop to the disease.

But anyway, if your game is 100 years after the plague and incorporates frozen elements, I assume it takes place in the late middle ages?


yeah, pretty much.

that is good lore and a good villain, I’ll keep the post open for a bit long for more ideas

Lore is basically the story or backstory of the plot or a charcter.

welcome to the community @_TadHg_iS_AkiVE!

That’s not really lore though, that’s more of the plot of the game.


true, but it works for now.

Thanks for the welcome!

Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy it here :]


Any other

How to make a Hidden Door! [Difficulty: 4/10] you could make hidden doors

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Cool, that’s a good idea @tspentakota!

Thank you, @gimmaster12345 !

I need two quest ideas, there are 4 quests in total. (5 if counting the warriors guild entry quest)

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