Mode Madness 2024: SEMIFINALS

Yummy Big MAC


Early 2023/late 2022 I can’t remember, that old account is now deleted : (

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So around 2022 or so?

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forums: december 8th, 2023.
tho I’ve played gimkit and viewed forums waaaaaaaayy before I made an account.
ima clock off for a bit
edit (just revived for like a few seconds)
joined gimkit during covid.

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Back before 2D modes were a thing. Like maybe around the time Trust No One was new. Definitely not before TNO, but a little bit afterwards.

no late 2021


current rankings:

every time one of these gets posted my computer crashes at least 3 times
so far it crashed once

also posting results more for semi finals and finals
eh you can ping me if you want them posted


Same. I remember the Pre-2D Days.

old, i know your old but that makes you like elderly.

It here!!!

when fishtopia came out a few days later I came
but on the forums 13 days ago

I don’t know, maybe 1-2, maybe 3 years ago, when the only real game mode was like classic and the others one.

Forums, Dec 4.

joined gimkit in october
joined here november 2

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yeah i joined here 2 years after i joined.

2? Years? Wat

Yo? perfect bracket?

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hey…I think I have that picture; just with my glasses on it
one sec
Here it is:

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One way out for the win

Hold on…NOOOOOOOOO one way out is losing :frowning: