Mode Madness 2024: SEMIFINALS

logre tghis is so insane

Personally, I feel like anything 2D is better (except TNO). :rofl:

I picked DLD because making a bracket isn’t about picking favorites. It’s about who you think has the most likely chance to win.

I think CTF and TD are the best

I am right so far!!! YESSSSSS

Pls make it OWO vs DLD! Capture the flag is nice but…

why dld
dld is ded
ctf is the ultimate classic insane epic mode

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TNO is amazing, and so is Classic. Farmchain didn’t deserve to beat Classic.

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Agreed. Never in a million years would I play DLD for fun.

I would honestly prefer DLD to not win, but it’s almost inevitable.

no dld is fine
it just has the advantage of being new
itll die soon its kinda boring

deal with it my chromebook handles it.

here was mine:

@Coolcaden26 , mine was the same as yours

I have still ran outta likes
just like most game modes, it’ll eventually die out

The mining gamemode will be the downfall of DLD’s 1000 Year Empire.


I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
and I hope i can make it for playtesting tmrw

DLD is quite boring
CTF was one of the good modes, WITH INVISABITS. The only time it was in a game
Vote CTF

Playtesting? Are these hosted on the Discord by any chance?