Minigame ideas please

So i am aware that there are other topics and guides related, but i need a hard and actually fun one, not something like just plain kill sentries

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Maybe a maze with traps that activate sentrys or lasers.

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Survive as long as you can with a strong boss and after 60 seconds or 90 seconds you can get a weapon and if you kill it you can move on or it can just loop so you can grid gimbucks or something idk

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How about a laser maze that has different levels so it gets progressively harder?

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Ok but it is kinda hard to design a maze, can you give ideas on how to design a maze?

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Sorry, I am also building a maze and it has proved difficult but I will notify you when I have an answer.

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maybe even a in the dark maze thing
that would have dimming torches that would like go out after a few seconds

Try This Guide For Lights And Darkness

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You could make a minigame where you run across a track and sentries shoot at you. You could have abilities such as invincibility or weapons. You would have to buy these with the money you make from completing the tracks to get them.

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You could recreate a maze online, just google it and copy it to a scale that you would like.

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Please avoid necroposting help topics, the person is not active anymore.

Seen: Dec 22, '23

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Oh my bad, I just saw this at the top and thought it was recent.

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Sorry I haven’t realized I didn’t close this topic yet, and I’m not on for like a while

It’s fine, it’s not your fault

why I know how to do that
thx anyway tho

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