Minigame ideas for all your needs! Created by Oso567

Thanks @Cellofive !

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It’s done! Hope you like it/ have suggestions!

What about freeze tag? I used to love playing that with my friends…The nostalgia.


tic tac toe, rock paper scissors, the 2 spinny whack3r things on a platform(dunno what it’s called)

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I feel like all of these were inspired from Roblox lol

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@Kosm0-o @KrishnaVA Added!

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A “find the button” type game where you destroy props to look for a button would be a good idea


Thanks man. :+1:

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Thanks for the ideas! I’ll probably use some of these in my arcade map, do either of you want credit, @Oso567 or @eiqcrmeliutgwhc ?

i’ll not take credit since i only made the wiki for him


Okay! Thank you for letting me know!

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Also you could include like a guide where you have your games all in one map, and make it like roblox. You could use some stuff from here:
How to create the Roblox logo [Difficulty 0/10 or :white_large_square:]
Roblox - ABCD - Help

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I do :raised_hand:

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Hmmm… I’m not sure I understand.

Okay, no problem! I’ll go ahead and give you credit in my lobby!

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so you could add ideas from the second topic, and create a section to combine all of those games.

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Then just put the extra logo part if they wanna make exactly roblox.

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oh. okay. so like an ideas catalog, then a way to put them all together. Interesting! Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow.

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2-hour bump

@eiqcrmeliutgwhc can you add the idea catalog tag and any others you think are good.