How to use a laser manager

Ever wanted to make a repeating laser, but you don’t know how to use a trigger or you don’t want to use the… :nauseated_face:repeater ?
Well I’ve got the solution for you!
We’ll need 2 things.
Laser Beam Manager x1
Lasers(you can use as much as you want)

Step 1

First just place your lasers. Any order color, just anything, but remember to put these lasers in a group.

Step 2

Next, place down the Laser Beam Manager, enter the laser group name, set the intervals, and you’re good to go!

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Hope this helped!


I feel like there was not a need to make a full on guide on this, sorry, but this is REALLY basic.


Hmm, agreed, even a basic user could still do this without a guide
(as long as they know the laser manager exists)


Great Guide But IT’s a mini-guide

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So is this basically a mini guide?

More like a mini-mini-mini guide.

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yep looks like it.

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bump thump

bro last reply was 17mins ago

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wow. a guide on using a laser manager.


And? 17 minutes ago is not long enough for a bump.


As @Kosm0-o indirectly said, this guide is waaaaay too simple. If it will even stay up, it should be placed in Devices because yes, its literally just how to use a laser manager.




Ah, this is the most complex guide I have ever seen in my life…
laser?? what even is that? laser manager?? you could do that? wow! The summation! this guide is so good! I love it!
I can tell you spend a fortune of time on this, it will definitely help the community and the whole GKC!! yay!!

oops I think I dropped something…

:skull: you liked this post? really? noobie?


Is 15 hours enough for a bump?

this doesn’t really seem like it needed to be made, seems more like its there just to be there, I don’t know if this even counts as a guide as it more is leaning towards Devices than Community Made Guides

Not really, give it a week and no complaints from me!

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(Checks Forums)
Actually, the common minimum is 5 days. The common maximum is disputed, but usually, it is 3738 years.

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Sigh almost had it, but this guy beat me.

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