Mechanics for figure

I need mechanics for Doors figure

explain what you need. attacks? movement?


unfortunately both friend both

ok. unfortunately, movement is beyond me. there isn’t a way to move a sentry.

rainbow stop liking my posts :pray:


You should probably start with a sentry

I know there’s a guide about doors the game, but I’m not sure it will help your problem

but maybe some channels and repeaters will help

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entities doesn’t exist rn so irrelevant

hey @rainbow have you played doors floor 1 or 2

stay on topic.


ok thanks @That_Fedora_Guy

the least i can think of is placing lots of sentries, deactivating them, then reactivating another one based on your location. but that’s janky and takes a while.

Uhm that’s offtopic. (I’ve only played floor one and I’m not sure how/why that’s relevant). Please try and stay on topic

uh You can just deactivate/activate sentries when the person enters the zone. Or not make a sentry at all and just make a zone that “grows”(By activating new zones) and do it. Then when the zone reaches the player and the player is in the zone, they get KOed.

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You don’t necessarily need to use sentries.

If I’m right, the monsters in doors don’t really shoot you

No, I don’t think big, the only thing I want is for it to appear in places where the code or rather parts of the code is.

chat we do not need the “erm that’s off-topic” like one is enough

any ideas on attacks, though?

What I’m saying.

what else attacks though? air?

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