Making a random person start on a specific team

I know how to make a random person start on a specific team, but is there a way to get rid of the respawning message?

Ummm the only thing I know of is in Map Options, you can select the UI and disable the Activity Feed. There might be another way, I’m not entirely sure

I’m sure someone more qualified will come along XD

Yes, but it doesn’t show on the activity feed. It shows on that individual persons screen.

My only idea right now is to make everyone respawn.

Relay on random player → team switcher (switch to team 1)

When it switches the team, it shows the message “respawning,” which would be a giveaway.

Oh I didn’t read the description haha, no, you’ll need to use pseudo teaming.

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Here’s a guide on it.

sorry to get off topic but I need to know where to go for chatting and not the forms but for codes

Go to the WIX

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