Making a psuedo list

Since there is not currently a super reliable and memory efficient way to make a list in GKC, you usually need to make a ton of properties. It would definitely be a lot simpler to just add to and read from a list, but you can’t.



I just had an idea of using a single property to make a psuedo list of some kind. Allow me to talk about how this would work a little. PLEASE NOTE that this will not the same as BlackHole’s guide.

Reading the list

We’ll have our property and we’ll need to read it. How do we do that? First we’ll need to find the length of the list. How we’ll do this is put in a number at the start of the property. This is about as far as I’ve gotten. To do this, we’ll need to have some sort of separator text. I’ve decided to use a character that some of you might have seen.


This is the character that happens when you try to interpret most emojis as a single character, but they’re actually multiple characters long, so you get this character when you try to separate them.
Now we need to get an actual item from the list. Every item will also have a number of the length of that item. Then we can get every part of the item quickly and effectively. However, I’ve found this difficult because you can’t get a custom occurrence in the text. So I want to find a way to do it quickly and effectively, hence the research tag.

Adding to the list

It should be a lot simpler than reading. You find the current length of the list, change it by 1, and add all of the info you need. This could most likely be easily replicated in a bit of block code.

So now that you’ve studied up a bit, I’d love to hear some feedback and ideas on how this could be improved or any other ideas you may have. If you want to contribute to helping make this, reply with some of your findings.

Fulcrum signing off.


Yeah, but…
What about multiple characters in one part of the list, when do you know when to stop?

never got answered .. but also would putting the list in a game overlay work as simple as just putting a set text block in? (it might be a stoobid question but whatever --)

That is what the little � separator text is for. That’s what lets the system know when it should stop.

Here’s my idea- use unique separators so you can quickly jump to the correct area. You can make a little text block that contains a bunch of characters that are indexes, and then to get the 3th element of the list, look up the 3th index, then find it.

So here’s what that would look like in pseduocode:

//characters that nobody will use in a list
//i used random chinese characters cuz they were easy to get
indexes = "你好吗我很大小上下不给吧真想红蓝绿色为什么老师是"

list = "among us你my humor is stuck in 2020好sus吗test我very tired很gimkit"

//fetch element 3
//find the indices that correspond with the start/end of the third element,
//and find where they are located in the list
start = list.indexOf(indexes[2])
end = list.indexOf(indexes[3])
element = list[start+1:end]

Although this method doesn’t support infinite lists, it does support lists up to about 60,000 items long, assuming list items only use the characters found on the qwerty keyboard.


I’ve done something sinilar to what bh has done, but instead of making text characters, they were concatenated like ‘index’ + INDEX + ‘SPECIAL CHAR’. You would acces them from accessing:

      getIndexOf(nextIndexText) - length(nextIndexText)

I’m not sure where the psuedo part comes from though.

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lol jumpscare

Nice…guide? Devices post? Idk what to call it

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wth vsauce jumpscare.

i may not have a brain, ladies and gents, but i CAN explain lists

according to my research, a list would be coded in Python as:
myMemeList = ['Doge','Sus','HAI']
['Doge', 'Sus', 'HAI']

i also learned that they have different INDICES (plural of index) or



Problems I found: 
using negatives to get certain indices
using "ratios" to get parts of a list and not others
receiving and changing lists in general 
with the limitations of block code

I don’t have a brain, but I am smart enough for this.



If you do this in lua you would put ‘local’ in front of created variables. For example, this.

local var = “Hello!”

Psuedo :skull:. Nice guide.

I guess these are maybe psuedo lists, but these are what we get. So list lists. So nice guide

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