Making a player drop all items on knockout (đŸŸ©) [Look at comments for remedy]

Wait, what happened though?

When I tested this method, there was a “deactivate when receiving on” option. That is no longer.

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You can remedy this by simply activating another inventory item manager with a higher ceiling.


Oh yeah! Or no ceiling at all, right?

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If you don’t have a ceiling, it won’t override the one with the ceiling I think. They might have changed that in the past updates though.

Ok. I don’t have vast knowledge of Inventory Item Managers. Thanks for the fix! Too bad I can’t edit.

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I have a question I’ve been trying to get this to work but I can’t figure it out ???

Hi! Did you read @WhoAmI’s fix in the comments? Apparently something changed (at least we think), so you will have to fix it their way. I cannot edit the guide anymore, so yeah.


What do you mean by higher ceiling?

As in a higher limit of things that you can pick up. If you can only currently hold 1 item, you can “raise the ceiling” so that you can hold 100000 items, for example.

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BUMP(er) cars :astonished:

Wouldn’t the counter being set to one then being reset mechanism just copy the functions of a trigger?

Uhh, I don’t know why the counter is even there, when I could have gone straight from the ko manager. This was a long time ago, and I wasn’t so smart back then.


I understand that, I used to use repeaters for a delayed trigger (probably one of the worst moves someone could make).

isn’t there a setting for this in map options?

You can delete items, but you can’t drop them.